Wednesday 9 September 2015


Swelling after Hair Transplant Surgery
After the hair transplant surgical procedure which is said to cause swelling in like the hair follicles, forehead and in most cases the eyes. Any swelling of bruising around the hairline after hair transplant will eventually ease out after a couple of days. It will also be a good idea to desist from any form of official work or activities in other to allow the bruising and swelling subside. However, if swelling occurs at all, it is usually between 48 – 72 hours time line after the hair transplant. Some patients have also realized that alternating hot and cold compresses can further help in reducing swelling while it alleviates pain and numbness in the affected regions. Physicians usually advice patients after surgery to endeavour to use a well balanced shampoo each time they have to work and wash into the donor hair as well as the grafted areas of the scalp. This is basically a very good idea when it comes to hand washing the hair for the first few days after surgery and then continue to do so using a shower as per advised by the physician. The donor hair region  must prcatically be kept clean under stringent conditions in other to prevent crusts from forming which can impede scarring healing out on time.When it comes to taking care of some of the swelling in the regions where the hair transplant was done, 

Below are some of the tips to reduce swelling after hair transplant:

1. Keeping the head in an elevated position by using several pillows under the neck while sleeping

2. Swelling can affect the eyes area and so a cold compression would help in reducing the swelling

3. The swelling after transplant reduces overtime but if it persists, it can lead to complications.

4. Avoid the intake of aspirin and ibuprofen for a week as these drugs cause thinning

5. Avoid excessive physical activity

On the other hand, some drugs as known to help in reducing incidences of swelling after a hair transplant but then again, some of these clinical drugs should only be taken according to the prescription of a qualified physician. Asides this, some known anti-inflamatory drugs are said to also act effectively on swellings which is practically other than their required actions as analgesics.

However, this swellings are usually said to come around 2-4 days after a hair transplant which is somewhat frequent especialy in severe cases of baldness or hair loss. In such cases, most clinical physicians can prescribe oral steroids which may practically help to reduce the swelling. There are steroid injections allowed during and after hair transplant surgeries and they are mostly relied upon as alternatives for medical advice offered by some clinical physicians. In some instances, physicians are said to use steroid injections or a minute dosage of of steroids like Kenalog, Triamcinolone as well as Medol to help minimize the swelling in the forehead, but oftentimes this does not always give patients the desired results.

Saturday 11 July 2015

FUE Hair Transplant - A Complete Solution of Your Baldness

FUE or follicular unit extraction is a hair transplantation method that minimally invasive. It is invasive but effective with 98% from 105 reviewers for the past 24months voted for WORTH IT to try FUE hair transplant to solve baldness problems in survey. This is a method that using a strip of skin, that obtained from a donor or your own and then the strip will be cut into individual units. Specific instrument will be used to remove multiple groups of one hair to four.  

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure
There is no linear scar when it goes to FUE hair transplant and that is a real deal. Even there is a downside which is there is a possibility only few numbers of hair graft can be gathered per session and it is also quite painful. So far FUE hair transplant is reported successful to solve baldness problem. 
A patient that suffered from balding the front and sides of his hairline for several years decided to undergo FUE hair transplant to solve his balding problem. His balding is due to poor hairstyle choices when he was young and frankly the balding look has lowered his self-esteem immensely. Having personal image issue will cause a terrible stress and self-confident in a person. So his decision to undergo FUE hair transplant is his last resort for his effort to fight baldness. 

After seeking a surgeon and arranged few appointments for hair transplant procedures, the patient did restore his hairline. The process is very systematic and the surgeon will have a close attention to you and will call you for several reviews to see the improvement of the hair transplant.
Balding people always try to cover their head with cap and hats which there will be a time that it has to stop. FUE hair transplant is not a new technology nowadays and a lot of successful surgeries in hair transplant were recorded. For hair transplant cost in India, it is mostly depends on many factors such as the number of grafts required, the level of baldness of the patient, kind of hair density that the patient required and so on. Different surgery clinics also charged differently for hair transplant cost in India based on their achievements and services that they had offered.
To compare the hair transplant cost in India to other countries, the cost in India is less expensive. In India, 35 to 85 rupees is the cost for per hair graft for FUE hair transplant procedure. There are also some clinics that offering FUE hair transplant packages from 60,000 rupees to 90,000 rupees or between 950 to 1420 US dollars.
There are a lot of hair remedies and medication to prevent baldness. But for the one that opt for quick results to solve baldness problem FUE hair transplant is recommended and it works. You also need to know that hair transplant cost in India is less expensive than other countries.